We Build
We empower young men and women to fulfill their God-given
destiny and impact society at scale.
Inuka Ongoza Africa (INOZA) is a non-profit, social enterprise, created to empower young
men and women in Africa to thrive, lead and transform their spheres of influence. INOZA
was registered in Uganda as a limited company by guarantee on 10th November 2023.
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We empower value-based kingdom leaders
We are governed by Ethical People-first Principles.
We offer a guided leaderhip impact programe
Our trainees are connected to already influential leaders.
We BUILD the foundation for a transformative mindset and clarity of purpose grounded in Kingdom principles
We EMPOWER through skilling, business development, corporate growth and leadership, incubation, financing, and mentorship
We MULTIPLY through INOZA’s Pan-African Kingdom Leadership Platform, Conferences, Evidence-based advocacy, and Advisory services
Our integrated approach takes us beyond individuals to community and to influencing the enabling policy environment through evidence-based advocacy
We Build
We Empower
We Multiply
Ventures incubated
"Before the Kingdom Leadership Programme, I used to hustle without acknowledging the role God plays in making things happen so I hustled hard. After learning to put God front, left, and right, I have enjoyed the privilege of letting God take the wheel."
"During the training, everything changed. We learned to define our vision clearly, putting it down on paper and charting a clear path to follow. This transformation was revolutionary for my wife and I, as it turned our fantasies into achievable dreams.”
"I was able to restructure my work life, reset my priorities based on the kingdom principles and values. After that I started seeing many connections opening to me even globally to the field and profession that I’m in.The programme has transformed my life indeed."
"Despite having a degree in finance, the Kingdom Leadership Programme truly transformed my mindset from a scarcity mentality to one of abundance, understanding the principles of kingdom economy in a way that no other experience had taught me."
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